
Some Stuff....

So, there are a couple things I want to post about today. Firstly, my straps are going to be featured on TV! For those of you who want to check it out, it is on KSL 5 today at 11am with Brooke. She has asked me to be on TV before, but I was so scared! This time she contacted me and told me I didn't have to be on TV, that they would feature my straps for me as part of their "Utah's Favorites" segment. WAHOO! So yeah, I am not on TV making a fool of myself, but my straps get to be :) I will post the segment here after it airs today!
** UPDATE***
Here is the segment...not very long, but I have already had 4 sales from it this past hour :)

Also- I am selling my AWESOME AMAZING camera. Since I upgraded to my 7D my other one does not get used very if you are interested in a wonderful camera, HERE is the link. I am sad to see it go :(

Another thing that I am going to start doing on Fridays (that lot's of people do on their blog and I LOVE) is "Flashback Friday". I got a CD full of my childhood from my awesome Dad the other day and it cracks me up. I looked through it for about an hour laughing so hard. I though it would be a good way to get to know me better and see some funny pictures :) I will see if I can scan some of Craig's and feature him too sometimes. It is nice to see how easy and happy Childhood was... reminisce about the Good Ol' Days! So here are this weeks pictures...

This is one of my very favorites of me and my favorite blankie and weird stuffed animal :)
So fun seeing my parents so young with 3 kids...JUST LIKE ME! I know my mom was way better at it than I am though :)


Parker and Carly said...

SOOO Awesome about your straps... hopefully that means BIG business!! Those pictures are super cute. It's fun/strange to see our parents at our age. It almost seems like another life...

Kim said...

So I asked Ryan...and we are gonna sit down and go over our budget today...but i want your camera...if you can wait to sell it for a few days??? me and love the old pics...oh happy days!

Megan said...

That is so awesome about your camera straps! And I don't think I ever realized how much Kylin looked like you until you posted those pictures. She is a replica! So cute. I love the idea of Flashback Friday! I am excited to see more :)

Amy said...

I just watched the clip! Congrats on the feature (and the sales you've already made from it)! Wish I were as creative as you. Love you! Hope you're enjoying the warmer weather--minus the rainy days in between.

Jenny said...

awesome exposure! fun old pics too! i so wish i could buy your camera! hmm....maybe i can somehow convince my husband ;)

Natasha said...

Congratulations on almost being on TV )))))))))))

BensonFam said...

Kelly that is awesome about your camera straps! Congrats! I also wanted to ask you about your disney discounts. We're going in June - where did you guys find the two for one pass? My e-mail is when you get a chance.