Most of you who use Facebook know that our baby girl is here and we couldn't be more excited! She is so perfect and we love her so much. Piper Kaye Howe was born Saturday Sept. 26th @ 3:54pm. Her weight was 5 lbs 11 oz and 18 inches long...tiny little thing :)

Although she didn't feel so tiny when I was pushing her out. hehe. The epidural this time wasnt very I felt most the pain. It just kinda took the edge off.
But, let me tell ya- It was really cool this time because they put up a mirror so that I could actually watch the birth. I thought it might be kinda gross, but my sister & mom totally talked me into it and I am SO glad I was so neat AND it really helped me with the pushing to actaully see what I was doing- so I got her out in 4 pushes. Anyone who is about to have a baby...DO THE MIRROR :)

She had the cord wrapped around her neck so her face was REALLY really bruised. My Dr. said she hadn't been growing inside me for the past 2-weeks...I think it is becuase the cord was all wrapped around her neck and body. So we are VERY VERY blessed that everything is ok with her. Just some brusising. She actually weight less than Kylin and Ky was 3-weeks earlier. crazy.

Anyways, it has been a AMAZING experience to be able to hold my baby after giving birth and actually having her there with me instead of being taken to the NICU. I kept asking them if they were going to hook her up to any monitors to monitor her heartbeat and they we like "nope, you just get to keep her here in the room with you." It was SO WEIRD! Plus- after 48 hours they let us take her home. Thanks to everyone who came and visited and helped me through it all :) You know who you guys are...LOVE YOU!

My little girl was the first thing I got to hold...Gosh I love her so much! Of course I got all teary-eyed.

And this bad boy was the second thing I held! hehe. I was so freakin hungry. I started into labor at 11:00 and got done @4pm. Not to bad, I know, but I was starving :)

Craig is already SUCH a good daddy and a big help to me.

I know the picture is blurry, but it CRACKS ME UP! She looks so tiny in her car seat and not super happy. hehe.

My kids LOVE HER SO MUCH! They were so excited to meet their baby sister. They couldn't come to the hospital because it is level 2 lock down because of the flu epidemic. No one under 15 allowed.

Look at the looks on their faces...they are so excited!

BUT Let me tell ya...HAVING 3 KIDS IS REALLY HARD! I have cried a lot this week because I am just so overwhelmed. I am so thankful my mom came and helped me for a few days. As soon as she left I cried cause I just thought to myself "I CAN'T DO THIS!" I spend most the day and night feeding Piper (who breast feeds pretty darn good I think...she just takes forever) She is my first kid who actually caught onto nursing-so this a new experience for me too. But- it is hard cause I want to still spend time with my other kids and want them to feel special. Plus- I am exhausted and have a hard time keeping the house clean now that my mom is gone. BUT I am not complaining..I LOVE LOVE our new addition. I just want to be a good mommy and am feeling overwhelmed.
Piper had her 5-day check up and she is doing good. She needs to be under lights for 4-days to get rid of her Jaundice- but they have lights we have set up at home. We just have to watch her lots so she doesn't pull the eye wear off like she likes to. Craig slept by her crib for 2-nights now so he can check on her every 1/2 hour. What good daddy!
Sorry such a long post...I just want to remember this time in our family. It has been so wonderful having this special little spirit in our home. THANKS everyone for being so wonderful and for people's help through it all :)

kelley, she is so beautiful. i love her dark hair. i loved reading your experience! your kids are so cute and i love how excited they are. you're superwoman and you can do it!
piper -- love that name, and she's so teensy and cute! congrats howe family!
Oh Kelley - she is absolutely adorable! I am so happy she is here and doing well. I remember thinking the same thing when they let me hold Evan - this is how it is SUPPOSED to be! Yeah for no NICU! I hope you get some sleep. You are a great Mommy - don't worry. I am sure a few weeks of you not being super mom won't kill Ky and McKay. Now they will just understand how MOST kids usually have it ;)
P.S. LOVE your car seat cover - it is the exact same as my nursing cover. You have such great taste :)
I totally remember that overwhelming feeling when I had Axton and the never-ending exhaustion! I'm sorry, it's really hard and I wish I could invite your kids over to play - too bad we don't live closer.
She is SO cute and congratulations - I'm glad she is so healthy!
she is such a pretty newborn! wow- what a looker! and her hair! oh how i love her hair. i imagine having 3 little ones is tough! some days i struggle with 1! i'm sure you'll adjust to it in time :0) you can do it - you're a super mom, and i am sure all 3 kids feel very loved by you and craig! and who cares if the house goes to pot- family is number 1!! congrats again on piper!
She is so gorgeous (and tiny!) I'm quite in love with that head of hair (both of my kids were bald bald bald.) Hope you're doing well - congrats!!
She is sooooo beautiful!!! I love that picture with the hair! I just gasped!
Life will get easier. I nursed my 2nd child (as my first didn't want to) and it was totally overwhelming! But CHERISH it. Because when it's over, you are so sad. :( My son is 2, and I nursed him till he was 13 months, and STILL sometimes just before they go to bed I have to find something other than TV to watch, b/c all I want to do is nurse! lol It's so special.
Anyways, enough of that rant, congratulations! :) She's beautiful.
She is so, so, so cute! I'm glad you finally posted a blog about the whole experience so I could know how it all went! I'm so glad you got to take her home right away and that's awesome she is nursing well! I'm sorry you feel so overwhelmed at times. I'm so stinkin nervous for when I finally bring my #3 home. I know it has to be tough. I also know you're a good mommy. We all feel inadequate. Keep up the good work. And, remember you must be doing something right because your kids love you more than anything!
I love you!
your family is so darn cute. little piper looks like a howe. can i have the other two over to play sometime next week? let me know
She's adorable!!!!! I didn't know she's "out" already )))
I really loved this post!! Cuz it made me think of MY future ))))
But again.. Congratulations with the baby!!!!
Kelley, you are wonderful mother...and your kids show that all the time. She's such a great addition to your family, and I was so excited to see so much hair. We only had one with a head full like that.
It will get easier, keep your chin up! A routine will come along and you'll be back to yourself in no time :]
she is so cute! And your the best MOMMY ever ! Hang in there and keep your chin up !
oh kelley, im so glad all went well considering she had the cord around her neck and wasn't growing the last few weeks! you are amazing!!!
i showed steve this post and he thinks she is seriously the cutest newborn ever! i cant wait to see all the darling baby pictures you take of her. dang, i wish i knew how to take pictures!
gosh, i can only imagine how overwhelmed you must be feeling with 3 kids! thank goodness you live sort of close to family. just remember that everyone feels soooo overwhelmed when they add another child to their family. ask for help and dont feel bad when you have to!
so happy for you! gah, IM NEXT!!!
Kel - she is beautiful just like her family! I never really got to see her hair when she was born - it is so pretty! Going from two to three about killed me! And I hope nursing is getting a tad easier! Hang in there - you CAN do it! You will figure out what works best for you and the kids. Trial and error - a LOT of patience and prayers! I love you! Call me whenever!!!
She's so gorgeous! The pics of your kids holding her are too precious! I'm sure it is SO overwhelming, but it'll get easier I'm sure. Or you'll get used to it ;) good luck with those 3 cute kids of yours :)
she is darling. I love her hair. SOO tiny and so cute. It will take a bit of's a huge LIFE Change having 3 kids dependant on you...but you'll have it down in no time. GOod luck! keep posting.
OH GIRL!!!....she is perfect! cute!..congratulations to both of you!
Congratulations Kelly & Craig! She is such a doll. I can't believe she was only 5 lbs!
congratulations !!!!! she is so pretty.....
She is an adorable baby!! I am with you on being overwhelmed with 3 kids and wanting to be a good mom. But you are a super mom and can do it!! Holler if need anything. I know we are in Ogden but we come to Logan a lot.
Enjoy that cute little cutie!!
Congrats!!! She is so cute, and I love all of the hair. She weighed the same amount as my daughter little. I am glad everything went well for you and the baby.
Oh Kelley Piper is SO beautiful. I am glad that everything went well. That is scary about the cord, but I am glad that she is doing well.
You can tell your kids are going to be so cute with her.
Congrats again!!
Congratulations she is so beautiful. I am jealous I am ready to hold my little one. So exciting that you got to bring her home. If you need anything let us know.
look at all that hair! she is beautiful!!! congratulations. you are such a great mom and she is so lucky to get you guys as parents
Look at how beautiful she is! I hope you are feeling a little better this week and things are running a bit smoother for you! Yay..and congrats again!!
congrats she is beautiful!!!!
Kel your little girl is so sweet! She looks like the rest of your kids, its adorable! Congrats on the new addition. She is an angel! I hope we can see you this year around christmas. Oh, and I LOVE the picture of piper in her car funny.
OH-She is beautiful! I am sure I am not the only one who has told you that she looks like a doll! Perfect and all that hair! You make good babies!
Trust me, you are not the only one who feels like they are losing their mind with three. It gets better I promise. Just remember that you are not super woman and your kids will understand. Heck-they wont even remember. I think Heavenly Father makes it this way on purpose. Keep chocolate on hand, PLUS-get ready every day. Even if it is hardest thing you have ever done. It Helps SOOOO much!
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