


Well, this was defiantly NOT planned and I had some pretty strong mixed feelings about it. With Craig trying to finish school, and us being in a tiny condo and NO money. But now I am really excited and I can't believe we are going to have 3 kids. I hope I can do it, but I know that Heavenly Father isn't going to give me anything I can't handle. We are very blessed and I am so thankful.

We just barely found out a week ago, So I am only like 5-weeks along. But, I am not feeling sick yet (knock on wood) Cause usually I get SO sick I have to go to the hospital and get an IV. And we are hoping NO bed rest, shots, or early baby this time. I think it is my turn to have a good pregnancy. hehe. I am due Oct. 13th!



Ben and Camille said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SO exciting and I can't WAIT for you!

Amy said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you! Hopefully one of these days I'll follow in your footsteps and have baby #3 also. And, I really hope you have a good pregnancy too. I love you!

mrs. jar said...

Congrats!! ;)

Julienne said...

Congrats! you will do fine with 3. Hey what's one more right?

{irene} said...

whaaaaaaaaaat????????!!!..Congratulations Girl!!!! everything will be fine!:)

Megan said...

I have been thinking you would be pregnant lately. I don't know why. But everytime I checked your blog I expected that post. Congrats! I hope you don't start feeling too sick either cause it's not fun. Good luck with it all and if anyone can do 3 kids with style, it's you. You are awesome!

BensonFam said...

HOORAY!!! You are such a fun, cute mommy - you will do great with three. I'm crossing my fingers for you to have a good pregnancy!

Amy said...

Congratulations!!!! 3 is crazy, but great. Best of luck with the pregnancy.

Chelsea said...

CONGRATS!!!! that is so exciting:) If you don't have a doctor yet I loved Fowers at the Cache Valley Womens center, or my sister loves Noorda and he's also there. Good luck!

Chelsea said...

ps and in the same building is dr. Mckenna the pediatrician that I LOVE LOVE LOVED!!!

Kristin Bishop said...

Kell..are you serious? CONGRATS. YOu are the cutest mom I know...and will do just fine! you are so beautiful (I love that b-day picture of you) and such a kind, helpful person.

I am so happy for you guys...and whatever you do it this won't be any different! I"m sure you'll have a darling baby stuff creatd in NO time:)

Laura said...

Yeah for the Howes!! Congrats on baby #3...keep us updated on how you are feeling!!

Erin said...

Congrats! The second I saw this the first thought that came to mind was..."I can not wait to see what fun baby stuff she comes up with!" hee hee! I hope you are feeling ok and that you don't get to sick...that is no fun!!

Bree said...

Congratulations! :) That's wonderful news!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS KELLEY AND CRAIG!!! Yeah for yet another SUPER CUTE kiddo! I hope your pregnancy goes better than the last two. We are coming out in March (over Chris' spring break). Maybe I can stop by and see your little preggo self....even though you wont be showing. I still want to see you!

10zfam said...

Congrats kelley. let me know if i can take the kids for you for you so you can rest-seriously!

Heather said...

Congrats! I am a firm believer too that things will work out when you do you best to do what is right.

Tausha said...

3 is great. It tends to get a little crazy when the 3rd gets bigger and needs more attention. it is truly wonderful. I am excited for you.
You are so right, these spirits need to get here sooner than later. I always got great comfort in the fact that the Lord would trust me enough to send me another of his most choice spirits. he will provide.

Laura Jex said...

Congrats! You will have to let me know what its like with #3!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting for you guys. I hope all goes well for you. You will be a awesome mom to 3 kids, no doubt about it!!!

Brooke said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! Thats so exciting! I have had a few scares lately, but I like your attitude, they come when they are supposed to.

Jaime said...

I'm so excited for you! You're going to have another kiddo just as cute as your other 2! You are an awesome mom and I bet the baby can't wait to meet you!

Becka said...

Congratulations!!! We are excited for you!

Chelsie said...

congrats!!! how exciting and surprising. how is it that even the picture of a pregnancy test is cute with you fun fabric in the background, you're so creative. i hope you continue to not be sick!!

Keli said...

Congrats! That is so exciting, and I hope you do get a good pregnancy!

Natasha said...

Congratulations! I think you are going t o be the same super mom with three. :) Good luck with your pregnancy I hope it goes smoother then your previous ones.

Alison said...

Wow Kelley! Congrats! I think that is so funny (and cute) that you took a pic of your test w/cute fabric behind it! I took a pic of mine on our floor. :) I hope everything goes good for you this time around. I can't wait to hear if it is going to be a she or he.

Jenny said...


Heather said...

wow! congrats! I always love when I see pregnancy posts- especially when I am not expecting them- not that I would know what to expect. Exciting. I hope you have a good pregnancy. I hear ya on the NO MONEY and cramped living quarters, so good luck! All will be well and work out how it is suppose to- and I know that is a lot easier said then done! ( I have to tell myself that frequently!)

The Razzle Dazzle Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting. I would have mix feeling too but you know that everything happens for a reason and everything will work out and be great. I hope this one goes good for you and that you don't get sick or end up in the hospital that is no fun. Congrats again!!!

Kim said...

Yeah - a cute other Howe! Three kids is great - really! You will love it! And I am being serious! Three was fun...enjoy it! Hope ya have another girl!

becca said...


Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Congratulations! I've heard from Amy that your pregnancy's aren't all too easy, I really hope this one goes smoothly for you!

PS I am loving your new headbands! Very cute!

Adventures in Petersonland said...

hopefully i can get the preggers bug too! its been a good 5 months and nothing has happened...
again, congrats! i hope you dont get sick and are able to do all that you need to do. you guys definately make the CUTEST kids!

Peter Lee Family said...

Congratulations, we are so excited for you-that is so fun. Hope the pregnancy goes well.

Tausha said...

Kelley-I finally did it. I made an etsy shop! I only have a few things in there-but go and look. I made these cutest VT kits-that you need for your sisters. And all of your family needs and friends too! So-go on over and check them out! I would love your creative input!!!
PS-I am going to do a giveaway-so watch for it in the next couple of days!