I am sad to say that we have decided to go private here at the Howe family blog :( It makes me sad because I have met A LOT of WONDERFUL PEOPLE through this blog...people I have never met, but that I consider great friends now. Craig has been pushing and pushing me to do it for a LONG time now, but I haven't wanted to....well something pretty scary happened a little while ago and now I finally agree with him.
One of my customers from Ebay was able to track me down (even though my name is NOT even listed on the Ebay account) find my phone number and THIS BLOG and call me! He was mad as heck and swearing and yelling at me because he didn't receive his camera strap he ordered. I had to hang up on him because he was scaring me....I thought for sure he was gonna come and kill me! Well, he kept calling and calling and finally we figured out that it got lost in the mail...big mess.
SO- in short, he scared the CRAP out of me!!! I have never had anyone call me or "track me down" like that. So, that is what has lead to this decision to go private. But, PLEASE PLEASE even if I don't really know you, and you want to still view my blog and aren't a crazy person :) then leave me your email address as a comment and I would LOVE LOVE to invite you...so please don't be shy!
We are leaving on vacation TO CALIFORNIA and I CAN'T EVEN WAIT!!! So, I decided to make some cute luggage tags for our trip and want to share them with you. Here is what ours look like.


Kelly, Is Debbie Olson (Jennie Olson' mom) I would love to still be able to see your blog :)
My e-mail is deboraholson@hotmail.com
I would love to keep seeing your blog, even though you don't know me! I'm sorry you had such a scary experience. :(
I think about going private ALL the time. I bet I will sooner then later too!
I would LOVE an invite. I think you got my email. Let me know if you don't.
Love the freebies...I need to plan a trip so I can use them...hee hee!
I love the tag idea to put on your kids for Disneyland. Are you guys flying down there? I wish I was headed to Cali...so jealous of you! What's the occasion?
I totally understand you going private...I just hope I remember to check your blog for updates. I might be a few days/weeks late in seeing your posts since I rely very heavily on Google Reader. However, I completely understand. I would be doing the same thing if I were you. I'm just giving you my excuses why any comments from me on your blog may seem delayed.
Have fun at Disneyland. I miss you!
I would love to still view your blog.
I love the tags. Now that I live far away from family they would be perfect for all our luggage when we travel to Utah.
those tags are so cute, i love them. i love all your creativeness..how scary about that guy! i'm so sorry. chelizanne@hotmail.com
I would love to still see your blog. I don't know if you know me, but me and my husband went to high school with you and your daughter was in the NICU with my twin boys.
Of course I still want to stalk you! :) sarahjarman02@yahoo.com
Oh! And love the tags too! Have fun at the happiest place on Earth!
of course I would love to:)
-sorry about that scary man!! and have a FABULOUS vacation!
You don't know me, I don't think..but I LOVE YOUR BLOG and your scrapbook blog. My husband worked with your husband and Kelly electronics for a while (we also live in the Springs) and he told me you were really good at online scrap booking, so I check in every once in a while for cute ideas...I love all your ideas you put on here and just made the tissue paper balls. If you would add me I would love it! charjergallup@gmail.com
Your family is so cute and you always have such fun inexpensive things for decorating and crafting!
{sorry about the creepy guy....}
Love the luggage tags! Super cute! And please send me an invite!
Crazy creepy story, by the way!
Hope you had fun on your trip!
What a creep. Couldn't he just email?
Love to stay in touch! THANKS!
I would love to get an invite. You don'tknowme,but I swear I'm not crazy like that guy!;)
Hey Kel - my e-mail is sonata32@hotmail.com and I LOVE those luggage tags. Very cute!
You dont know me but I love the cute things you have on your blog. I would love to still see your cute blog.
Hi Kelly its Emily Hall I would love to still see your blog it is so cute and how cute is your little Piper!
You don't know me either, but I love your blog. You are so talented and creative. Thanks for posting all your fun ideas and projects. I'd love an invite- jason_lindsaymann@hotmail.com
I would love to still see your blog. I love all the cute things you do. You don't know me and I'm not sure how I found your blog. I'm sorry you have to go private, but that is really scary.
cute cute tags- and of course invite me!
agentjenny at gmail dot com :)
invite me! camillegarrison at gmail!
Freeky! Well, I hope you don't have a problem going private since you can only invite 100 people to view your blog and I am guessing you have A LOT of people who look at your blog that you don't know of. And if that is the case I better be top of the list to get an invite ;) You have my email, but just in case it's megdinsdale{at}hotmail{com}
Those tags are super cute, by the way, and I hope you have lots of fun in sunny California. I am so jealous. I can't remember the last time I went on vacation out of Utah. lol.
I just need to get some colored ink in my printer so I can use your tags for our trip! We will be going private too... there are too many crazies out there!
That is so scary! I need to do it to I guess:)
I hope you have an amazing trip!
I love your blog, Craig used to work over here with me! kd_daniels@Hotmail.com
How Scary! I cannot even imagine!!! Good for you on going private. I would love to keep following.
You don't know me, but I found your blog through your scrapbook blog, you have so many cute ideas! I love it! I would love to keep reading!
sorry about the creepy guy!
Hi Kelly, I would love an invite to your blog. So sorry for the freaky guy. That is scary! Hope all is well.
Thanks Kelly!
I would love to keep looking at your blog as well! You are so creative and fun, I love all of your ideas!
I found your blog awhile ago through Erin U. and Kristin B. blogs. You always have the cutest ideas, I would love to keep reading! :)
My e-mail is: carinlarson@hotmail.com
You don't know me, but I'm not crazy I just love your blog, you have such great ideas and I love your scrapbook pages, so inspiring!
I really love your blog!!! So I wanna continue reading it!!!!
My e-mail is natashaborina@gmail.com
You dont know my and I can't even remember how I found your blog, but I love looking at it and seeing your creativity (I used your tutorial on how to make a rag quilt). If you dont mind I would like to still look at your blog. My email is cristelromero1@yahoo.com and if you want to see who's stalking you just email me and I will invite you to my little blog. Thanks, Cristel
I would love an invite to still check out your blog. . .sungal21@hotmail.com
Love the tags they are way cute. You are so creative.
Kelly, I'm not sure if you will remember me but I am Cori( Moon) Bowler, Laura Moon older sister. She told me about your blog and I have been stalking you ever since, well I guess I shouldn't say stalking in light of the creeper guy. But I would love to still see your blog. I love all your cute pictures and crafts!!
Hi You dont know me ,but I would love to still view your blog, you are a very creative person and your blog is amazing.
Dallas texas.
I always think of going private....
I would love to continue reading your blog. You have the cutest ideas and I love your scrapbooking! My email address is by.lloyd@gmail.com
You don't know me, but I been reading your blog....I love your ideas ahn style and creativity....
I would love to keep reading your blog!
-sorry about that scary experence!!
I would love an invite! I know we don't know each other, but I love looking at your blog- you always have such cute ideas! twister1851 at gmail dot com
whoa so scary for you and your family! Way weirdo people in this world. But I promise I'm not a stalker. dwilleycpc@comcast.net
Wow this is extremely frightening. I don't blame you for making the decision. I really would love an invite to your blog. Tashiebaby5@hotmail.com
You don't know me...I think your a friend of a friend of a friend, but I love seeing all the cute crafts and decor you do so I'd love to still be able to see you blog...
I know that we have never met, but I would love to be able to see your blog, I love your creativity! it is callisterfamily@hotmail.com
Thanks Courtney
I love viewing your blog. Lookig t the crafts you have done inspires me to be crafty. I am also very sorry to hear about your scare.
Hi Kelly, That is way scary! I would love an invite, jedandcarrie@hotmail.com I know you don't know me but you inspire me and i do like to look at your blog. I am into photography and i really love your scrapbook layouts! My blog is private too, it's such a scary world, better safe than sorry though(:
I would love to be added to the list. I enjoy looking at your blog and being updated on your cute family.
btw, I love the tags. What a great idea.
I think we went to high school together but I randomly found your blog a while ago and love your ideas, photography, digiscrapping, etc...I'd like to be invited to your blog too. Thanks :)
Totally feel your pain :( That is why we were private for a while years ago. On the flip side, have a great vacation!! :) Excited to hear all about it :)
I would love to see your blog. It is so cute with all the stuff you did. I love the tags. I found your blog threw a friend of mine and I start to laugh because my maiden name is Howe.
I would love to! my_three_kidos@yahoo.com
Sorry about that guy. Have a fun vacation!!!
I would love to still read your blog. I love all the cute things you do and I love your scrapbook pages. You don't know me and I'm not sure how I found your blog. I'm sorry you had a scary experience. You always have the cutest ideas, I would love to keep reading! :)
Hey Kelly. I would love to keep reading. And I won't be scary stalker. mandataylor11@yahoo.com
Hey You Dont Know me But I found your Blog through your Scrapbook Blog. I love your Cute Ideas and would still Love to read even though you dont know me... and I promise Im not some scary stalker!
I would love to still be able to see your blog! I think you are an amazing mom and always do the cutest things with your kids, you inspire me. I actually met you at Disneyland a year ago, don't know if you remember that though :)
My email is jennifermcquivey@yahoo.com
I would LOVE to be added (if you don't mind)! I'm a friend of Chelsea Christensen's and found you through her blog! I LOVE looking at all of your fun ideas (and your kids are adorable by the way). So sad that things like this happen, but I promise I'm not a freak! :)
You have my email...dont forget to add me!!
that is creepy! i would love to look at all of your beautiful photos! paparazzi0406{at}yahoo.com.
Hey, I would love an invite. You don't know me--I found your blog through a friend of mine (Michelle) who talked about your camera straps on her blog. I LOVE your scrapbook pages--they inspire me so much! And all your ideas and photography are fabulous.
Please add me to your blog list. I love looking at your blog and seeing all your cute stuff.
Hi Kelley...I am Sarah Jarman's sister. Love your blog and love your style! Reading your blog always gets me inspired! You are one talented lady. Take Care.
I would love to keep looking at your blog! I used to work with Craig!
Hey this is Amber (Morgan)- way back from High School days :) I love to look at your blog and see your adorable family so please let me stay! ;) I'm thinking about being a private blogger myself so I completely agree with you here! Take care
oh- and here is my e-mail:
I know there is a limit to how many readers you can have, but would totally love an invite to keep up with your cute family :)
kelley! i am so sad to hear that you had to deal with that scary man! yah, i too would go private after something like that...im sorry you had to deal with that.
please add me to your list as i love seeing your blog! you are uber creative and have the best ideas.
have fun in california! and get some sun for me! obviously we aren't getting any up here in anchorage...
keep me on the list! What a dork...that he would treat you that way.
Ok you don't know me at all, but I promise I'm not a crazy person. I don't remember where I found your blog, but I love looking at all your fun projects. My email is
Hi I am your sister Kim's sister-in-law, Janet Bowcut. I love looking at your blog you always have such great ideas. I am amazed at both you and Kim. I'd still love to see more. Also love the pictures that you do to.
My email is janet.bowcut@gmail.com
Another person you don't know, but I also love your blog!
I love your blog please keep me in the loop
You don't know me either...I love your blog. You are so creative and have the funnest ideas. I would love to still be able to see it!
I came across your blog and I love it. You are so talented. I'd love an invite.
PLEASE PLEASE invite me:) laurabharris@gmail.com
Hi! You don't know me, I am a friend of Brant and Keli's from Colorado and I found your blog through their blog. I'm not crazy- I promise! ;) I'd love to still see your blog- your kids are dolls and I love seeing what crafty stuff you're doing! :) Thanks,
Jaimee Shepard
Dont forget me kelly!
By the way- great idea for the luggage tags.
oh girl....I think I should do the same...here's mine: icaso@hotmail.com
Hi Kelly! I dont think you know me, but I found your blog through Megan Dinsdales I think. :) Anyway, you are so stinkin creative and have so many cute ideas. :)
I'm sorry about that creepy guy...I have always been worried about it too, thats why my blog is private. :)
Anyway, I would love an invite. :)
you don't know me either, but i would love an invite to see your crafty ideas and cute things!
jordan.frazier (AT) gmail (DOT) com
YOu have a lot of followers! Juliennemc@gmail.com
I want to still see your cute ideas!!!
I would love to continue to view your blog. I have been a "silent viewer" for quite some time - and just love reading about your creativity and wonderful little family.
email is
Thanks so much!
Hi, this is Rachel Amidon. You took my baby's pictures and I've been reading ever since! I'd love to keep reading about you and your adorable family!
my blog is private too. you can email me if you'd like to view.
You don't know me, but somehow I found your blog through a friends. I promise I am not creepy! :)
I would love to keep seeing your blog. You have the cutest ideas! design.gal21@yahoo.com
You don't know me but I love your store and blog. meganturner06@yahoo.com
I came across your blog months ago from Camille Garrison. I love all your creative projects and would love to peek in on your cute life!
karennielson (at) gmail.com
What a scary experience! It's a good choice to go private!
I don't know how the heck I stumbled onto your blog, but once I did, I realized who your hubby was! lol I went to HS at Weber with him. We were in FBLA together. lol So I'd love to keep reading your blog too, because honestly, your tutorials and decoration skills are awesome! :)
breeze80 at gmail dot com
You're a doll. and your children are beautiful. and well, from what I remember, your hubby is such a sweetie! lol
Hugs, Bree
Hello! That's scary! I don't blame you at all for wanting to go private! I don't know you but, would love an invite! :)
my email address is jodielynnbloxham@gmail.com
I would love to also be invited. You don't know me, I am Leah's friend out in NE, but I love to see all the crafty little things that you come up with.
I love your photography and creativity Kelly. Please add me!
Hi Kelly,
You don't know me, but I stumbled on your blog some time ago, and I love your creativity. I would love to keep reading.
sorry I forgot my email
Hey Kelly! I would love an invite to keep seeing your blog. I enjoy catching up on your cute family and all the fun things you make! You are very creative. :)
Rachel McDaniel (Garrett)
i love your blog and all your creative ideas! want to keep reading...
Wow that is so scary! Keep us in! bbulrich123@gmail.com
You don't know me either but I found you through friends. You've got great ideas & keep me inspired. I'd love to keep checking in.
You don't know me at all. I just came across your blog when you did the remodel on your office space. I thought it was so creative and I have been reading since then!
I'm Keli Ames' sister in law and I would love to still see your blog.
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