

Happy Easter!

We are back from Cali and had a GREAT time!!! Hard to come back to the snow though :) Pictures of the trip coming soon!

Soooo...Hope you all had a GREAT Easter! It was LOADS of good times for us. Here is the breakdown... WARNING lots of pictures :)
Our Little Easter Bunny!

The kids got matching Easter outfits this year....LOVE how they turned out! So hard getting a picture of them together though, Ky and her little fake smile :)
We went to my parents house to dye eggs this year and of course all the cousins and my Brother and sisters were there. It was LOUD and lots of fun! Mckay still LOVES green and was surprised when his egg came out so bright.

Love dying eggs, but it is such a least my mom gave them old shirts to use.

Sooo pretty :) I am surprised they weren't ALL pink and green. hehe.

Easter morning the kids found their baskets. They LOVED the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" So when the Easter bunny saw these cute hooded towels at Walmart, he had to get them for them! The kids also got a book, bubbles and of course CANDY!

My little Dragons...Toothless and Zippleback :) If you haven't taken your kids to see that show yet, I TOTALLY recommend it....SO CUTE!
Piper was just a happy smiley baby all day.

When we did the Easter egg hunt at my Parents house, we let Piper find some too. She was super excited to hold and chew on them.
I just LOVE LOVE this picture of Craig and Pip...She is such a snuggly lovey baby...and so is her daddy. haha.

The "Egg hunt" at the Howe's...a blurry picture but still cute :)

The kiddos really got into it and had full baskets of chocolate and hard boiled eggs.

This was during general conference (which was AMAZING this year). I took tons of pictures of this and they are HILARIOUS. Piper wanted a push pop so bad so....
We gave her a tasty bottle instead :) Hope you all had a WONDERFUL conference Easter Sunday!!!


Amy said...

I've been wondering when you were going to get home! Looks like you had a fabulous Easter! The kids' outfits are adorable, and so are the kids of course! Did you make the clothes? I seriously miss you--we've got to make plans to get together sometime soon. Love you lots!

Jenny said...

Cute cute pictures! I love their cute easter outfits, did you make them I assume?! Darling!

Anonymous said...

SO MUCH FUN!! :) Btw, you never have to apologize for pictures! They are adorable! :)

The Taylor Family said...

Yea!!! I'm so glad you are back. I always look forward to your fun posts. Plus I missed having you around finding the latest and greatest scrapbooking finds. Your kids are so cute. And I'm sure I have never seen such cute hair on a baby. I die every time I see pipers. I can't wait to see all your cute pictures and pages from Disney land. I found the cutesy font that was free that looks like disneys signature. We are taking carrera to disneyland at the end of the month and since you are a pro at going with 3 kids you should let me know if you have any tips or tricks or advice

Erin said...

Seriously can you kids get any cuter? I think not...They are SOOO darn adorable! Ok, and I love your photos. You are amazing :)
And did you really make their Easter outfits? KELLY you are one amazing women/mommy! You go girl :)

I can't wait to see your Dinseyland pictures. I bet you guys had sooo much fun :)

Megan said...

Haha. I love the picture of Craig with Piper. It looks like he is forcing her to lay her head down on his shoulder...though it looks like she doesn't mind ;) I love that first picture too - your kids seriously could not be any cuter. I am glad you guys had a good Easter and I am excited to see your pics from the trip!

Jaime said...

6 moths goes by quick! Did you make the Easter clothes? By the way I,love your new hair cut. Are you getting use to it now?