Yep- We are having another little girl! We are super excited :) I thought I would show you this cute picture of her profile instead of her little "taco" but she is for sure a girl. The kids have said all the long it was a girl and they are WAY excited and LOVED being there to see her during the ultra sound. So her name will be....

This is an almost straight on picture. Her little face is so cute! The Dr. said she is healthy as can be and all her measurements are great and her organs look good! Huge sigh of relief for me :) So despite me being so sick, she is just fine. Also- I am back up to the weight I was before I got pregnant...so that is good news too.
Congrats! That is so super exciting, and an adorable name!
Congrats!! Thats so exciting!! We just found out last month that we are having our second girl too (her name will be Avery Isabella)! I was just thinking we have a TON in common.. I have a 4 yr. old boy Brayden and 2 yr. old girl Riley, a stay at home mommy/photographer!! Sounds like we could totally have a lot to talk about!
P.S. I need to get into the whole digi scrapbooking thing... I have a billion pictures that need to have something done with them!!
P.s.s I LOVE The name!!!
Hooray! Hooray! I'm so excited for you. Such a cute name! You skinny thing. I'm glad you're feeling better.
YEAH FOR A GIRL! congrats Kelley. Super Cute name. Are you gonna be around in September when I make my way back to Utah???
I knew it - dang I should of bet on it! Yeah, now Auntie Kimmie can have some fun! Congrats you guys! Another little girl will be so fun. Glad you are gaining weight too. Eat girl! Eat!!!
Yippee! I am so excited for you guys and for little Piper! Maybe this little girl will be a girly girl for you too ;) Anna keeps saying I am having a girl and it makes me nervous that I might be in for a surprise. LOL. Congrats again on a healthy baby!
Yeah! You make such cute kids that I am sure little baby Piper will be no exception. Congrats and I am so glad that you are starting to feel better and gain weight. We are sooo happy for you guys!
well, that makes one of my predictions wrong :0( BUT I am super excited. Piper is such a darling name. Great pics of her. How exciting! Makes me want to get pregnant again just because I love ultrasound pictures so much- I LOVED that day when I was pregnant.
congratulations to you and craig. that is super awesome! :)
A friend of mine had her kids telling her the same thing...that she was going to have a boy. And low and behold, she delivered a boy around the first of May.
:) Hope you get up to where you're supposed to be weight wise!
yaah that's exciting!!! and I got that little giraffe from target, and you'll need one for this little girlie:)
I KNEW IT! In that email I wrote and guessed what it would be. I almost always get it right:) I'm so excited for you! You have the cutest kids so I can't wait to see what SHE looks light!!
yay!!!!!!!..Congratulations girl!!!
Hey we love girls!!! Congrats on another girl. I love you name your name for her. Also glad that McKay is excited Trey is bummed he is getting "another one"!! Congrats!!
congrats!!!! i'm so excited for you guys and that baby piper is doing great!!!! i love how excited your kidlets are, so sweet
Yay! Congrats! I have to tell you again...I LOVE that name :) Good to hear you are feeling much better!!
congrats! i'm so excited for you! piper will be one lucky little girl to have such great parents :) love that name!
yay, how fun. cute ultrasound
I was hoping it would be a girl - our middle names are the same :0)
Congrats!! That is so excited! That is great to hear that she is healthy and doing well. Her name is SO cute!!
congrats on another girl...McKay will have a lot of protecting to do now with another sister:)!! I hope it continues to go well and hopefully we'll see you soon!
Congratulations!!! We're so excited for you guys!!
congrats kelley!
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