This has been such a busy month! Not to mention all the little side projects I am in the middle of right now. That is why I have not been posting very much lately. I am in the process of finishing my photo studio which, should be done in the next couple days. It has been A LOT of work. We totally had to putty, sand, paint, put down base boards, and carpeting! One night we stayed up to 4 a.m. Craig is such a sweetie. Now, all I need to do is the finishing touches like getting portraits on the wall and a couch. I am SOOOO excited!

Also, I have been working on launching the scrapbooking "How to" blog with my sister. Which, I am way behind on and Kim has been doing most of the work so far...I need to catch up. Don't worry we plan on having it up in the next week. I know some of you are super excited...so am I.
Plus, I have been doing lots of photo shoots lately and that is on top of everything else that is normal day-to-day stuff with 2 kids. But, I can't complain...I am happy for all the business. hopefully I will get my head above water soon :)

Plus, I have been doing lots of photo shoots lately and that is on top of everything else that is normal day-to-day stuff with 2 kids. But, I can't complain...I am happy for all the business. hopefully I will get my head above water soon :)
Love this picture of Craig - he must be a sweetie to stay up and do that with (for) you!
And by "love" I mean it cracked me up!
Is your studio going to be in your garage? That is so great!!Im so glad that you are getting a lot of business! Craig is so nice for helping you out...but...what are husbands for, huh? Good guy.
Great Easter pictures of your children, by the way.
PS. Tried the orange cake and shared it with friends. They liked it, I thought it was so good!
What a nice husband - isn't it nice that you guys can do most of the stuff though? Maybe it's not sometimes ;) I am excited to see the final results.
You two are way too talented! You make the rest of us look bad. I am excited to see pictures of your studio.... someday I'l have you take some family pictures for us.
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