As a mommy of two VERY busy kids, I am always looking for fun ideas to try and keep them entertained. So, I decided a "Fun Jar" would be a great way to pick a new activity for the day. Every day my kids can draw out a piece of paper with an idea on it. Most of the ideas are free or cost very little. Some are not weather appropriate so, then they can just pick another one. I thought I would share some ideas that are in my jar, because I know there are lots of you out there who need fun ideas for your kids too. I ALWAYS DO. So, if you have any ideas PLEASE let me know! So here they are: (some might only pertain to Utah)
- Go to the Park
- Go for a walk to Ogden Parkway
- Make cookies & give them away to a neighbor
- Go play football or soccer somewhere
-Feed the ducks
-Go get Slurpee's
-Finger painting
- Make a fort and watch a movie with popcorn
- Make puppets and put on a show
-Make musical instruments and put on a concert
- Go to Discovery Center in Salt Lake
- Go to Aquarium
- Go to Zoo
- Make a bird Feeder
- Get a disposable camera and let them take pictures and then get them developed
- Go to the nature Center
- Go camping (even if its in the backyard)
- Go to Drive-in movie
- Go fishing at the fish farm
- Go hiking and pack a picnic
- Go to a Raptors game ( you can get discount tickets for like $5)
- Go to Hill Aerospace museum (free)
- Make ice cream sundaes at home
- Go to the Tree House Museum ($1 on Tue. before 1 pm)
- Go to the Library and read
- Go get Ice cream
- Go swimming at the dam
- Lie outside on a blanket and watch the stars
- Fly a kite
- Make a coloring book
- Blow bubbles
- Go bowling
- Go mini golfing
- Make a collage of old magazines
- go swimming
- Go to the Dinosaur Park
- Paint with straws
- Go to a pet store and look at the animals
- Go to petting Zoo
- Go to petting Zoo
Ok, so there are some ideas that are in my Jar. I also got this really cool book that is FULL of easy fun crafts for kids that I will be sharing some Ideas from time to time. :)
So, you don't know me...but I am Leah's friend in Nebraska. I always check out your blog because it is so dang cute and I also LOVE taking pictures so I always want to see the cute pictures you have. I am not creepy :) Leah will agree :) But I have some ideas for you!!!
- Along with your finger painting - try toe painting (I teach Kindergarten and the kids LOVE this! - really messy, but they love it)
- Plant some flowers
- You mentioned mini golf - you could make your own mini golf course through your house.
- Make a card for someone
- Go for a bike ride (if your little guy can do training wheels)
- Bubble painting (get regular bubbles (or maybe you could use water and dish soap) and put food coloring in it - then blow bubbles with a straw until the bubbles form a little dome - then put a piece of paper over the bubbles to pop them and they pop on the paper and make cool designs). Get a bunch of colors and it looks like tie-dye.
- Make jello pudding dirt cups - make chocolate jello and put it in a cup for the ground, then crush oreo's on top for the dirt, then put a gummi worm in it...then enjoy :) Looks gross but its yummy.
- Make a snow cone
- Write messages with chalk on the sidewalk
I think that stretches my creative mind...but there are a few to add :)
Thanks for letting me peak at your blog! :)
Thanks for all of the ideas! I'm always looking for things to do with my kids. I can't believe how many ideas you came up with. I wish we lived closer. It would be fun to let our kids play together!
Ady, thanks for the wonderful suggestions! They are going in the Jar for sure. I wish I could see your blog, but it is blocked :)
oh gee...you are a good mom! Can my kids just come join you guys for the fun activities!?! I really need to try to do a little more entertaining:)
I have one to add to the list. Come down to Lehi and play with Megan and Annabelle :) Or you could meet us at Thanksgiving Point and go to the Animal Farm. Annabelle loves that and its cheap too. However, you would probably be spending more in gas. You have such agreat ideas I will have to institute this jar in our house for sure this summer and steal some of your ideas. It made me realize how much there is to do in and around Ogden - jealous!
you guys should make jello jigglers or home made popsicles. (I have spring fever right now...) Run through the sprinklers. Shadow puppets, play catch with potatoes/bean bags in laundry baskets... I'm a weirdo, I know. Give the dog a bath. Have a green food day (green milk, pancakes, grapes, key lime yogurt, jello, koolaid...) Have a costume day where everyone (even you)dress up. (don't forget to take pics) 3-legged races...
yea...about my blog - that is my sisters and I attempting to get skinny and all of our complaining...not so much a cute blog :) Which is the reasoning for the security :) I don't have one yet but will shortly. I will let you know when I get one. Just curious...what kind of camera do you have? Leah said you read a bunch of books to get started. Any recommendations? Your pics are amazing!!!!
GREAT Ideas everyone...THANKS!! Also, for Ady, The camera I use is a Canon Rebel SLR. I have about 4 different lenses, plus lots of other gear. It is kind of expensive but, just start slow. If your aren't planning on doing it professionally then you really don't need all the other gear anyway :) If you are wanting to read a GREAT book that makes everything click, I recommend, "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson. GREAT book...SO helpful. Keep me posted on your new blog when it comes :)
Oh my gosh, now I feel so bad for dissing on them! The techs were great, but customer service just wasn't that helpful, tell Craig I am sorry for venting my frustrations out over our blog! I mean no harm really.....we actually have dish also, this was just my parents account, anyway Jimi is wanting to get an HD receiver and all that goes with that because he just got a new HDTV. I will have him call Craig. Again, I hope I didn't make you guys feel bad. So sorry!!!
Two words. play dough. making your own salt dough is always fun, or just go with store bought. add a bunch of cooking and kitchen utensils and time flies. I also have an 'art box' that I made for Olivia filled with lots of fun, different papers, stamps and a stamp pad, colored pencils, safety scissors, stickers... you name it. she wanders over to it all the time and will end up spending hours working on a project.
good ideas! thanks! sorry i can't add, you had more than i did! :)
p.s. you've been tagged! take a look at my blog :)
Hey Kelley! Super cute idea! I might have to steal that one when Kate gets a little older. Ady is so cuper creative ....I love her ideas! And she loves your blog!--who doesn't?
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