Funny Story
I was looking at my sis Stacie's blog today and she reminded me of the funniest story that happened on Saturday. We were up at the Howe's home celebrating Mikey's birthday and Craig's mom gave us about 8 boxes of cereal that she got for a killer deal ($1 a box) and as we were walking out to our car, Craig was carrying the cereal, and he slipped on a huge sheet of ice. Don't worry that is not the funny part. :) We were all worried about him and asking him if he was ok (he was) and all Mckay had to say was, "MY CEREAL! Is my cereal ok Mommy???" He was so concerned, almost to the point of tears. All craig had to say to that was, "Poor Nana, Poor Nana....what about poor Father!" (I hope you have all seen Peter Pan) . We laughed the whole way home about it. I know Mckay loves his daddy lots but, what can I say...the kid really loves his cereal!
Don't worry, my comp's all good by now. It was just running out of space, down to much less than the last gig. I had them put in a new hard drive (120 g's) and they re-installed windows in the process. It wasn't too bad except for a few things I lost (no files, just programs and bookmarks, etc.) I still have to buy a new battery b/c mine's shot.
I can totally see this happening in my head and it gave me a good laugh - kids are so silly sometimes...but you think about the things that are important to them and dont ya just wish we could all be so innocent and simple like that. Cute story!
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