
Why can't we just have some sunshine???

We are pretty dang tired of being cooped up around here. So today when it was pouring outside, I decided to let the kids go out and play. They loved it! They were stomping in the gutters and finding earth worms (which I later found in Mckay's pocket when I was doing laundry) and just running around. It stopped raining super hard, so they were able to stay out for a while :)

I think at first she was worried about getting wet & dirty...
But, then she just forgot all about it and had a great time. She started dancing and trying to catch the rain in her mouth.

She LOVES LOVES her rain boots!!!

They found something in the gutter.....

A nice juicy worm! Happy Tuesday everyone :)

ps. I know you are all thinking I am super silly and got her all dressed up to play in the rain BUT we were actually out running errands and she already had the skirt on :) Just threw on the boots and her rain coat. hehe. Although- I would't put it past me to dress up my kids for stuff so the pictures turn out cute or to match scrapbook paper I have. hehe.


Amy said...

Okay...Kylin looks way to dressed up to be playing in the rain! She looks adorable! Let's hope for some sun by Thursday. I'm tired of this craze weather. We woke up to an inch of snow covering everything. Love ya!

Parker and Carly said...

COME TO PORTLAND! The sun is shining!!!

Kim said...

i do the same thing...find a cute kit...gotta find matching clothes - hehehe! love them...and love the skirt too! :)

Alison said...

I DID think that! I was like, "she looks awfully cute to be playing in the rain and mud!" But I think that is awesome anyhow, and I Love the cute pictures of the kiddos.

Megan said...

I also thought - man she looks too cute to be playing in the rain. But it doesn't surprise me at the same time ;) Love it!

Jenny said...

I would totally dress my kid up too! Just need some cute rain boots :) I love her jacket too! Is it from children's place? Cute cute kids and pics....sans the earth worth ;)