
The Drive

We took the drive nice and slow so that it wasn't stressful for craig and I or the kids. We decided from the very beggining that, "Yes, it would take 10x longer to do ANYTHING, but that it is ok cause we are on vacation and in no hurry". So we kept that attitude the entire vacation and we were fine.

On the drive there, we took lots of breaks and even stopped in Provo the first night because we left late. But, we got to eat at our favorite restaurant BRICK OVEN! Yummy!
Can you tell they loved it :)
Piper seriously was an angel and didn't cry once! Mckay and Kylin on the other hand were a little whiney and wanted to watch shows, have me grab dropped toys, or give them snacks. I swear I was turned around in my seat and unbuckled half the trip!
Mckay looks so gangsta in this picture. hehe

Nothin' but blue skies!
we had to stop and do "this" lots at random rest stops to feed piper and give the kids pee breaks. They are sitting on the back of the will see why is a sec.
Kylin drives me CRAZY because she tells us she has to go potty, so we pull off the side of the road (because there is no rest stop near by) and she won't pee! So, she gets back in the car and by the time we get to a rest stop she has peed her pants! GRRRR! Every rest stop we make them stop and go to the bathroom and she still peed her pants.
Well, at least Mckay doesn't care and still loves her anyways. haha. I love this picture of them just having a good time...carefree. After I saw them like this, I couldn't get too mad at ky :)

1 comment :

The Taylor Family said...

such a fun trip. We are leaving for Disney land this sunday so if you have any tips let me know. I wish i could take you so I could have some amazing pictures from my trip like you got on yours.