
The best Sushi!

Ever since Stacie & Stratton introduced us to Sushi a while back we LOVE it!!! Even though we hate seafood. We went to the BEST restaurant in Anaheim when we got into town called "CHOMPS." we had sushi and they also had a tempan grill where they entertain you and cook right in front of you on the open grill. The kids thought it was so cool. Of course they liked the fire part and Mckay even got into it and tried to catch a shrimp in his mouth.

Just looking at that is making me drool!!!
Sushi places always have the coolest decor. This place was AWESOME!

This is Craig catching the shrimp (which he missed) can you find where it is in the air?
Mckay and Kylin both tried the Sushi. Which made me so happy because if you know them, you know what picky eaters they are. They didn't like it, but I was so proud of them for trying.
I gladly ate their share :) hehe.
They had fun using the chopsticks. Notice they are upside down :)

Gosh, I miss eating out. I am one of those people that loves to eat out. I love junk food, fast food, good food. I JUST LOVE FOOD!!!

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