
New Goals...New Blogs....and Pictures

Like lots of other people out there, I have made some New Year's resolutions. I decided to only do 5 instead of the huge list of things that I need to improve on :) Hopefully I can handle five! So here they are:

I also started a challenge with this New year. I am sure you have all heard of it...the "365 Day Challenge." You take a picture a day. It is so fun because you take pictures of everyday things that are random and will totally mean something to you later on in life. LOVE IT! I think when the year is up I will make a book. I have re-vamped my blog so all the links to my other blogs are at the top kinda like a website. So just click on where it says "365 Challenge" and away you go! :) Here was the first picture I took of the New Year...

One of my other goals was to cook! Now that Craig works late he wants to come home to a cooked meal by Yours truely. So, I need to learn how to cook :) Everyday I am going to try out a recipe and post it on my "Mama's Bistro" blog with a picture the link is at the top of my blog too. They are going to be sorted by different categories so that things are easy to find. So check it out if you want some new recipes. Here is what I made yesterday for dessert sorry the picture is blurry. Craig bought me that 101 Gourmet Cupcakes book and I LOVE IT!

And lastely I FINALLY pulled out my lights and took some new pictures of my kiddos. It has been a while and I just had to bite the bullet and do it. They are not great picture takers probably my fault for taking too many pictures all the time But, I had to bribe them with going to Grandma's and playing at McDonald's to get these shots, and I still only could get 1 of Mckay. These pictures are now filling the wall in my living room :) So here are my little cuties...

I hope you are all having a WONDERFUL New Year so far :)


Kristin Bishop said...

Now that I have several blogs....would you be the sweetest and tell me how you did that?!? I love your new blog...and the picture and the and my mom can't get over it! It is the cutest family pic ever.

We are also in love with piper. She is one beautiful baby! I know you are one busy woman...but woudl you e-mail me or leave me a comment letting me know how you did that?!? Also, you know my techincal be honest, do you think I could figure it out?

thanks Kelley.

You amaze me. I'm stressed to have 2 children.

Heather K said...

Okay you're amazing! How you do everything you do makes me in awe! I too need to learn how to cook. I struggle & when I do cook it's usually the same things. Love the new pics. I so would love some pointers.

Ben and Camille said...

I second what's been said: You're amazing. I love the new blog and just want to always do what you do woman!! Geez. Cute kids, cute goals and ideas.

Jenny said...

Do you have to be awesome at everything?! Seriously you take amazing photos and your kids are so dang adorable!

Oh, and the cupcakes? Look SO YUMMY!

Alison said...

At least Piper cooperated for you! :) Actually, all of their pictures are adorable. Love your new blogs... you are so ambitious. Good luck with keeping your 5 resolutions... I only made 1!

Emerson said...

Oh I love to cook! Love it massively!

I will have to email you some of the sites we've found of regular daily bloggers that have fantastic recipes!!

As always your kids are adorable, that bribe must have worked :]

Anonymous said...

So cute :) And I love your goals too! Good luck!

Megan said...

See Kelley how you make everyone want to vomit with all your awesome capabilities. lol. One of my new years resolutions was to cook at least 34x a week. I used to be SO good, but I have gotten out of the habit since Evan was born. So I think I will be checking our your new blog :) Good luck with your resolutions and your kids' pictures are darling. If that is them 'not taking good pictures' I am pretty dang impressed!

Chelsie said...

your goals are very similar to mine! love it! the new pics of your kiddos are darling. i need a place to find a place to put single pictures of my kiddos too. love it

Tausha said...

Love the new ideas! Great ideas! I started organizing my recipes and have come up with a semi-cool system and I only used stuff from the dollar store. I am going to post it sometime-as soon as my stupid back quits hurting. Maybe we should (as in you :) have a read recipe thursday. Have people post links to their fav. recipes. Maybe I should do that. Ok, now I am rambling. I will shut up now. Love all the ideas! go to favorite food blog. I get all of my vt recipes from her. I have never made something that wasnt delicious from her site.
Speaking of vt-I need a little tag for february. I will email you.

Jenny said...

You are a wonderwoman! Your kids are soooo adorable!