

Early Morning "Cuddle Monster"

It is 3:52 in the morning and of course I can't what else is new :) So, I decided I would write something down that happened about an hour ago and might seem kinda silly to blog about, but this is my family journal and I want to remember these sweet little memories forever.

So on with my story...Kylin has this cute pair of jammie's from Old Navy that say, "Cuddle Monster" on them. I LOVE them because I think that is the PERFECT term to describe Kylin! She is SO crazy, wild, stubborn, and just a little MONSTER a lot of the time....BUT I know she is a softie inside and such a sweetheart when she wants to be. This morning at about 2:30 AM she wakes up crying, so I go in her room to see what is wrong and she asks if she can come and sleep in my bed. I asked her why and she said, "Because I love you mommy." How can I refuse that? So, I scoop her up and put her in our bed in between Craig and I. Then as I am laying by her she starts giving me a back scratch (2-year old style) for about 5-minutes then rolls over and falls asleep. How sweet is that :)

So, I was laying there thinking how very blessed I am. Sometimes it is hard being a stay at home mommy and I get discouraged and feel so unappreciated. Or most the time feel like I am doing a horrible job...and that my kids need a better more patient mommy. But, it is sweet simple little moments like that, that make it all worth it and lets me know that my kids DO know I love them and that they love me back. There is nothing better in life than that :)


Chelsie said...

so sweet!!! i love it!! and you're a fabulous mom, your kids are lucky to have someone who does so many fun things with them

Megan said...

I agree with Chelsie - you are a fabulous mom! And that is so cute. You are better than me. When Anna wakes up in the middle of the night I WANT TO CRY cause I just want to be sleeping. LOL.

Jenny said...

How sweet is that?! Seems like sometimes the times you want to be annoyed, a kid will do something like that and all you can do is think, awwww I love my kid! I think as mom's we're our own biggest critic. Obviously you've raised her right :) back stratches are always awesome!

Amy said...

Love your story. It's too bad we feels so inadequate as mommies. I think you are great. I know your kids think so too. I love you lots!

Kim said...

It is the little moments I think we take for granted and miss the most when they disappear. Kids grow SO SO SO fast! I wish we could just record all those sweet bits and replay them perfectly in our minds...enjoy them, never forget them and be thankful...I am so glad you are still pregnant. Hang in there! You can do it! BTW - love all the great pics of McKay's party. I see so much of Craig in him the older he gets...but I see you in his eyes. Your kids are so fun - we had a blast at the Treehouse - thanks! Love you!

Anonymous said...

aww! that is *SO sweet! Kade will give me back scratches sometimes too. their little ways to show you they love you just makes you melt doesn't it? :)

Unknown said...

those moments make "mommy-hood" all worth it! so cute!