I have been so tired of being cooped up inside this winter so, I decided to brave the snow and cold (which I HATE) and take some pictures. There really isn't too many pretty places around Ogden to take pictures but, I though the Ogden Nature Center sounded nice. So, I went and it was so much fun! I was the only one there. There were no trails AT ALL that were plowed. So, I got a huge workout hiking all over that place. But, It was so peaceful and quiet. The only footprints in the snow were mine and some deer. It was nice to get out of my noisy house and hear nothing but the birds. Here are a couple of the pictures I took.
Your photos are so beautiful Kel, what a talented girl you are!!
I love these Kelley! I want the mountain range one - seriously! To put up in my kitchen...can I have it or pay you for it! Love all of them and I told you the Nature Center would be perfect...so peaceful and pretty! Glad you saw some wildlife...in the fall when we go most you see a lot of wild turkeys and rodent type animals and birds. Well, love ya! Good job!
Those pictures belong in a gallery! They are amazing. What a fun little trip. Where there is no whining baby and some peace and quiet - sign me up!
these pics are amazing. you do an awesome job. way to go kelley
You are amazing Kelley! Photography is just your thing! And Im jealous you got out of the house alone!!
Fabulous(!) pictures!! I've been showing them to my buddies and they are all in love with them. That top b&w looks a lot like an ansel adams picture. You should look him up if you aren't already familiar with his stuff. He was quite a pioneer in photography.
your awesome. I'm totally jealous. These cameras take such good pictures..I don't know if I ever will need to learn manual mode...JUST KIDDING! I can't wait to move back to Utah and get together and soak up all your knowledge. Only two more months...YAY! I will call chels and maybe we can stop by or see you during my trip to utah march 5. You are so talented though...I loved these pictures!
I totally agree with Stacie...your top picture does look like an Ansel Adams picture. It's awesome! I'm jealous of your quiet away time. I'm going to have to try that some time!
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