I am placing a Scentsy order for all of you who want to get some yummy smelling stuff and not pay for shipping! I can take Credit card if you don't want to send a check. The deadline ends on Wednesday Feb 6th . If you want to look at all the products, the website is:
http://www.scentsy.net/ . As always, you can throw a party and get some free products. THANKS!
Ok--really stupid question that will show you just how LITTLE I actually know abot photography. THanks for all your advice.I still plan on making time to learn how to digital scrapbook from you. You are a very talented girl! And...I have three scentsy's...I just love them:) Do you have photoshop or some kind of software on your computer that you edit the photos in? Is it the software or the camera and you technique which makes the pics tilted, or the focus on one thing with the background blurred, etc. I have no idea how any of these effects are even achieved. Is it all the camera? Or is it the techique, lens, editing software. I have been looking at your website and it is so wonderful. I feel totally overwhelmed...I WILL NEVER KNOW HOW TO DO THIS!!! Help.
Hey kel,
did you ever get that scentsy stuff ordered for me? My mom was supposed to pay you for it. If not, will you put it through with this next batch?
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