

Kylin's birthday parties....

We had 3 different parties for Kylin this year! One with each of our families and then she had a friend party. She had a blast and every single one! I know I decorate like crazy for birthday parties and go all out, but I love to because I really like making my kids feel SOOOO special on their big day. I figure there really is one once a year that is YOUR very own make it BIG! Here are a few pictures....


Kylin wanted lots of pink, so I decided to do a "frosted princess" kind of theme. Lots of pinks, light blues and silver...

I wish you could see it all closer...I was really happy how it turned out :)

Of course we had lots of sweets and goodies. Ky has a HUGE sweet tooth :)

These are marshmallows dipped in white chocolate that I colored blue.

These cake pops were YUMMY, easy, and so dang cute. HERE is the recipe. LOVE EM!

These drinks are Jones blue soda (my favorite) and pink lemonade. I ripped off the other labels and made some custom ones with a "K"

I made yummy cupcakes with almond frosting...there always has to be cupcakes because I am in love with them. hehe. I decorated them with candy sticks that I found with the wedding aisle at walmart.

More cake pops since they were such a big hit I had 2 stands of them. I made all the cake stands myself out of candle sticks, plates and pray paint :) on this one I glued a cute trim.

This is my favorite cake stand I made...found the plate and base at DI and sprayed them white...I think it's really pretty and unique.

I have an old window frame that I use for lots of my decorating. This time I just tied lots of ribbon and then bought white cloths pins to attach the pictures....there always has to be pictures at a party :)

* I gotta say thanks to Craig for helping me get it all setup. He made sure I didn't fall when I stacked two wobbly chairs and a box on top of each other to stand on so I could hang the tissue balls from the ceiling. :) Your the best babe....I know i'm crazy!


Sheila and Mike made Kylin a cute rainbow birthday cake....

I don't know what gave here this silly idea, but she just shoved her face into her cake and ate it like a little piggy. And since it was her birthday she knows *in her own words* "I can do whatever I want". It was pretty funny!

For her "Heavy Hangover" Birthday wishes, she kept wishing everyone Disneyland Cruises because she wants to go on one so bad :) do I! She got lots of wonderful presents from everyone. It was so great to have family come and celebrate with our special girl.

Thank you SO MUCH everyone for really means a lot to me! I hope you had a great time.


I didn't want to decorate another party cause I was pooped, so we decided to do her party at the "Cache Valley Fun Park". Soooo glad I did because they took care of everything and it was lots of fun for her. She invited 4 friends plus Mckay. There was pizza, soda, cake and lots of decorations. Then everyone got to play in the HUGE 3 story bouncy playland. I didn't take lots of pictures because Pip was running around every where and I was watching 7 kids :) But here are a few....

LOTS OF FUN...hope you had a great Birthday Kylin....WE LOVE YOU!



BensonFam said...

You seriously amaze me! What lucky kids to have a mommy who goes so all out and makes their birthdays so memorable!

Carrie said...

Hey Kelly, You don't know me but I saw your blog and I just have to say thank you! I am a party girl just like you and you always have the best ideas! I love how creative you are and how inspiring your pictures are. Hope you don't mind if I check out your blog and am so impressed with all your skills! You're kids have an amazing mom. Have a great day!

Isabella Kiss said...

that is some pretty impressive part decorating! NICE job!

Isabella Kiss said...


Anonymous said...

How did you make those hanging decorations? Please post a tutorial!

Heather Dawn said...

What a lovley party and the cake pops look super yummy!

10zfam said...

ok, so my kids' birthday parties look like nothing compared to your kids'

Erin said...

What a lucky little girl to have such a fun mama to make her bday so special!

Megan said...

Love the always! Ky sounds like such a fun girl! I wish that we lived closer to each other so her and Anna could be friends. And I am right there with you and Ky...I want to take Anna on a Disney Cruise SO bad. It looks so fun! On day...

Emerson said...

You know Kelley...I always adore your photos! They show the sweetest parts of life :]

Hope you are all doing well, and a very Happy (belated) birthday to your sweet Kylin from us Eggleston's here in SL!

Jenny said...

what adorable party ideas you always have! looks like Ky had a blast and kept on partying all week- love it all!