
Our stupid computer...

IS BROKEN AGAIN! Something smelt like it was burning and then KAPOOF it shut off. So, I am gonna be MIA for a while, while we are trying to fix it. Of course it happens right before Christmas so I have to use all the money I have saved for Christmas on a new freakin proccesser. For now I am using this 12 year old laptop that freezes every 5-minutes and takes a 1/2 hour to boot up. Plus- to make my day even better Piper cried and cried all day... I can't seem to figure out this colic stuff. And I had 15 camera straps to sew and mail out. Sorry to go off on a rant here, just been one of those days and it feels good to vent. But, I need to count my blessings and so I am grateful that at least I do have a little saved to be able to get the part we need to fix our computer. I HAVE TO HAVE IT FIXED...I am going through withdrawals cause this one freezes every time I try to check you guys blogs.

On a happy note...I HAVE TICKETS FOR NEW MOON on Saturday with my hubby...CAN'T WAIT! We havent been on a date for soooo long. Craig is thinkin if he takes me to this movie that I will probably put out. hehe. Well, at least now I can. Too much info I know! I am just babbling here....I hope tomorrow is a MUCH better day. Let me know how the movie is those of you who are seeing it tomorrow and any more colic tips you might have.


Jenny said...

Hey- sorry about the computer! That sucks! If you want jed to fix it let me know. He's way cheaper than most :) also colic is rough. I've heard gripe water works but I'm not sure. Good luck!! Love the new header pic btw!

Danielle said...

Kelley if you haven't bought any parts yet give us a call Dale might have what you need at our house, or at least direct you as to where to get the best price. 753-9401. Don't be afraid to call when you have computer problems.

Megan said...

Oh Kelley. You make me laugh. The whole putting out thing was hilarious. I don't want to watch New Moon with Ross - I don't want him mocking a movie I know is stupid - I like it anyway. lol. Good luck fixing the computer and calming Piper. I used to walk on the treadmill with Anna - I think it was a combo of she was swaddled tight, the sound of the motor and the fact that I was walking slowly that helped.

Anonymous said...

Hey--I don't know where I heard this but it worked for me. I would start the dryer and hold the baby while she was on the dryer. I know crazy. But like I said I heard it somewhere and figured what can it hurt. Plus I swaddle her and give her a pacifier. I hope it gets better for you. If you need anything let me know I would be happy to help.

Heather said...

I am thinking with how well your shop is going that your are gonna be just fine...........the kids will still get a Christmas and your computer will get fixed :0) And Craig might even get some- ha ha. Too funny. Men. Here's to happier and better days!

Ashlee said...

Just an idea, are you sure it is colic and not reflux or anything like that? Hudson went through a faze of crying all the time and come to find out it had reflux. It would always burn when he ate. I ended up having to put him on some medicine and keep him elevated all the time to keep him happy. Just an idea for you.

Chelsie said...

haha, oh the whole putting out thing made me laugh pretty hard. i'm so sorry about the computer, that stinks! and so frustrating. new moon was fabulous, i enjoyed looking at jacob. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey cute Kelley :) I'm sorry to hear about the computer issue. GRR! Right? :P But hey, you are so cute amongst it all. Happy through the stupidness :P I'm glad you and Craig will have an official "date" tomorrow :) Greg and I went this afternoon. LOVED IT! :) And yes, we hadn't had a date in forever either... It's so nice when it happens :) Hope you have a blast! :)

Jenny said...

I randomly found your blog and you have the CUTEST background. Do you design them? I would love for you to design a background for me. Please just let me know how much you charge.
