
You know you are pregnant when...

You get all TEARY-EYED at a freakin' WALMART COMMERCIAL! Seriously what is wrong with me? It was about making a great summer for your kids and all the stuff you can get from Wal-mart to do that, and I am crying about it. Yeah- I am defiantly pregnant :)


Heather said...

stop, you're scaring me and making me think I am pregnant! I cried all day yesterday after watching MJ's memorial....but that was a little more warranted then a Walmart commercial. BUT I can't give you too much grief, because now that I have a child I am much more sensitive to commercials like that as well.........boy, those Walmart marketers are good. Messing with us sensitive moms and our emotions.

Bree said...

ROFL! I'm sorry, but that's funny stuff!

But I feel for you. I cried watching the news about the tsunami.

Good luck, and keep tissues with the remote! :)