Craig has been so helpful though. He usually cooks and has been trying to change diapers if he is here. He also rubs my back and pretty much gets me everything I want. I really appreciate him. Serves him right for getting me into this mess! hehe. I feel like such a bad wife and mama right now, cause I just lay in bed and barf all day. The kids have been watching lots of Tv and I never hang out with Craig anymore because I go to bed at like 8pm every night. I am just trying to get through each day one at a time and not think about the next day or weeks ahead.
Anyways-This morning I woke up at 7 am and REALLY wanted apple pie with cool whip. I couldn't eat anything last night-so I was pretty hungry. He went to the store and got it for me :) What a healthy breakfast.

baked potatoes
ice cream
mcDonalds cheeseburger (sounds so yuck right now)
I HATE chicken and chocolate right now.
Did you guys have weird cravings? And I have been having the WEIRDEST dreams lately! Some kinda kinky too! hehe. I hope that is normal. Plus, I have been dreaming about people I haven't even seen for a long time. Like my you Megan D. (don't worry nothing kinky in that one.haha) and my seeing my friend Brad Sevy from high shoool. Soooo weird. Plus, I can't stop salivating which I think might be another reason I am so sick! Anyways. I would be curious to see if any of you had weird pregnancy things. Also, thanks for tips on morning sickness. Keep em coming!
On a completely different subject, I went to a great workshop this week with Julie Parker. She is one of my favorite photographers and I was WAY pumped. It was an entire day workshop and I learned some cool stuff from her. I just wish it was a more advanced class because, there were about 10 other people there and LOTS of them didnt know how to use their cameras or know much about aperture, lighting, ISO or shutter speed. Soooo, it got me thinking that I might do a Beginner workshop on:
How to use your camera, Aperture, ISO, Shutter speed, lighting techniques, photoshop tricks & actions, and some other fun stuff. It would be a whole day workshop and we would have some models to shoot also. I have about 4 people already interested and was wondering if there are anymore of you who would want to do this. I want to see if I have enough interest to do one. I am gonna only take about 10 people. Then later on I will follow up with an intermediate and advanced class. The cost will be probably around $200.
Here are a couple pictures from the models I took pictures of. It was pretty tuff because there were so many people trying to take pictures of the models at the same time as me. So, I couldn't always get them to look at me or get the exact angle I wanted. If you want to see more they are on my photography blog. :)

I'm sorry you feel so horrible!!! I definitely don't have bad morning sickness--just slight queasiness that never seems to want to leave, but that is so much better than barfing all day long! I'm sorry! I wish I lived close so I could help take care of you! It makes me sad to think of you feeling so awful...
your pictures look great! wow. you're good. sorry to hear you feel like poo. I am afraid I am not much help- I had a wonderful first pregnancy :0) (I am VERY grateful) I have to find it on my friend's blog - but there were too different things (medicine) that she took together and it made her feel MUCH BETTER. SO, I will search her blog for the cure :0) I had ONE weird dream my entire pregnancy - that is it. Didn't have super strong cravings - liked junk/fast food the 1st trimester. Smells really didn't get to me much either - I think my sense of smell was heightened, but that is it. I'll get back to you on the "cure."
Found it - "B6" and "Unisom" TOGETHER. My friend Hillary did this and she said she was nausea free. Try it, maybe it will work for you too!
So first, the cotton ball thing is hilarious. I wish I would have thought of that. I had to remind myself about a thousand times a day to 'breathe through my mouth!' LOL. Or I stood by the open door/window every time Ross cooked (cause I didn't cook my whole first trimester either - don't feel bad) even though it was November and I was FREEZING! I didn't have food cravings so much as food aversions. So I think you are completely normal.
Second, the weird dream thing. I have the craziest dreams when I am prego. I always remember then when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee and then forget when it is morning time. I need to start writing them down. They are crazy. And they usually involve high school friends I haven't seen or talked to for a while too, drill team experiences (why would I want to relive that again?!) and movie stars. I want to hear more about this dream that I made a cameo in ;) The other night I had a dream that Jim from 'The Office' invited me to some party...personally. Yeah - he makes REGULAR cameos in my dreams. LOL.
And I have officially left the longest comment ever. Maybe I should have wrote you an email. I hope you get feeling better soon. The first trimester is so hard with kids. Your tired, and all the smells - I swear if Anna asked for a hot dog for lunch I wanted to cry!
Girl!..Your photography is AMAZING!!!,...and so sorry about the vomiting and all that,...no fun...
Okay - two things. First of all - you are a very talented photographer. I am so glad you found something you love doing so much - besides being a wife and mommy! Second. It sucks to be sick. I have done it four times and each time was worse! And nothing worked for me wither so I can't be of help there but to tell you to just cross of each day and don't look ahead. Just get through one day at a time. Don't worry about the kids...they will live - it is only nine months and worth it in the end...even if it sucks right now! Just look at your two cuties right now! Let go of the guilt!!! Okay...love ya. Sorry that wasn't too much help!
I agree with Kim, your kids will live through. I remember how aweful I felt while pregnant with my 3rd. My kids ate crap because I was too sick to fix food. I was mean and grumpy with my kids. I think they have forgotten. ha ha. and they love Ella. Its amamzing what we go through for these little ones. I remember people telling me to eat crackers before getting out of bed. I never tried it until the 3rd time around and it helped. Key is to eat them before sitting up in bed. Helped in the morning. I also always had to be sucking on something. usually life savers. THat helped too. I love the cotton ball idea. I wish I would've thought of that. Good luck! and I feel for you.
I don't think you know me, but I know your husband from school. (Good old Weber. I hope you don't think it's freaky that I check out your fun blog. I also know Erin. I believe I'm your facebook friend.) I wouldn't normally comment, but I'd thought I'd share what sort of helped for me for Hyperemisis Gravidum (severe sickness during pregnancy - yep a real name for it. Google for info.) I have 2 kids, one of each, and was extremely sick with both.
Many ER visits & IV fluids for hydration.
*B6 & B12 shots. (They combined them together so I only had to have one shot.) I felt so refreshed for a few days. Totally worth it. Given at my OB-GYN.
*Zofran in the disolving tablet.
I used the non-disolving after my 1st trimester was over and it still helped.
I tried Reglan, Phenergen & B6 & unisom - those didn't work. (I felt like a pharmacy.) Everyone is different so you just have to find what works for you. I was almost to the point of having a pick line for fluids.
Hopefully I haven't freaked you out. I'm glad you have such a great husband to take care of you. I wonder why some of us have be so sick & some say "I never threw up." I just want to bop them on the head. I envy those people & they need to have 10 kids. :)
Hope you're feeling better soon.
BTW, you're photos are amazing!! I love you creativeness.
I am so sorry you are SO sick! Boo! Hopefully it will get better once you hit the second tri. That is funny that you crave baked potatoes. I craved them a lot when I was prego and shortly after. I also craved a McDonalds cheeseburger one day but by the end of it I couldn't finish it.
Also, I absolutely love your pics. I have checked out Julie Parker's website before and I can tell that your style is similar. I actually thought of you when I looked at her sight! I would really like to do your workshop but I don't really have a great camera - only a cannon powershot so I don't know if it would really apply? So, I will keep thinking about it.
Hey Kel! I hope you get feeling better soon. Kids are so cute but wow it's not fun while their baking in the oven..I totally wish for twins so I only have to be pregnant once and get two babies out of the deal. Good luck with your photography! keep getting better and better cuz I'm gonna use you for the rest of my life and I need you all good and ready for Lyndee's wedding! ha ha
Oh my gosh!!!!! I was going to take that class! I was soo close, but wanted to wait till her next because I wanted to be more comfortable with my camera! I might be interested in your class! I will have to talk to Brian, but I need something, I am not sure if I want to make a full on business of it, but I want to get really good at it so I can do people I know who want good pictures! Email me at bbulrich123@gmail.com with more details if you want! Oh yeah, I think I hung out with or made out with Keith Urban at least once a week in my dreams my last pregnancy!
The only thing that worked for me is bendoxy. You can only get it at Spence's pharmacy here in Logan. If I didn't have it I was in the hospital with IV's.
Al for weird cravings with Kaimi I think we ate Mac & Cheese for every meal for about 2 weeks. With Myah I could not get enough apples, applesauce, apple juice. I ate it at every meal.
I hope you find something that works for you. Good luck.
Your pics are so good! They're so bright and fun, I love them!
Man...I am not looking forward to that sickness crap when I'm pregnant. NO FUN! Sorry! Hope it gets better soon!
Reading your blog almost made me hurl! Talking about smells and food and poopy diapers...Yuk! I can sooo feel for ya! Glad we're in this together! It really sucks but know someone out there truly (and I mean truly) understands your misery!
i am so sorry that you are so sick. that is not fun at all. seriously if you want me to watch the kids let me know, i would be happy to have them over to play.
I am sorry you are not feeling well. It really is not fun being sick especially since life can not stop with kids at home! Hope you get feeling better soon!
As for the pictures they look awesome as usual! You really are just amazing :)
i love the first pic, oh that was awesome! i'm so sorry that you're so sick though, that is not so awesome. i hope you get feeling better soon! kel you are an amazing photographer, i love the colors in these pics, so vibrant! i think you would be so fun to take a class from
I wish I lived closer I would be all over your photog classes. I have a Cannon Rebel XTi I got for Mother's Day last year and would love to learn its full potential and mine too I guess. I sure hope you feel better soon. My two pregnancies were a breeze, it was the delivery part that was no fun (C-sections).
kelley, im so sorry youre so sick! although the picture of you with cotton balls up your nose sure is cute! i hope this passes quickly for you as its never fun to be on the verge of puking all the time. im 2 weeks behind you, and luckily, havent thrown up yet. although i wish it would happen so i could get it over with and go on with my day!
your work is amazing. i wish i knew how to use a camera!
maybe if im big enough by june (which will probably happen as im already showing a little! DUDE?! im only 9 weeks along!) you can take some maternity shots.
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